By Sikivu Hutchinson
Black children in America are never innocent. Innocence looks like Dick and Jane, our bright-eyed tour
guides through the idyll of green lawns, lazy bike rides down
hopscotched sidewalks, and the mystery meat treasure of sandboxes under blue
skies that sparkle into eternity. From the
1930s into the 1960s Dick and Jane taught America how to read the American
dream. Picture book primers with these
two characters snaked through every schoolhouse from the Deep South to the
rugged West of African American “Promised Land” reveries. Before the
mainstreaming of phonics, the Dick and Jane primers were the first to provide sight
reading instruction supposedly grounded in average everyday life. In their sun-kissed freckle-faced
average-ness, Dick and Jane schooled America in the cultural literacy of
suburbia and the holy trinity of nuclear family, heterosexual marriage, and
whiteness. Neat, well-dressed,
ever-courteous, they established the template for a “normal” childhood of
perfect single family homes in segregated subdivisions that would be tethered
to the world’s largest interstate highway system in 1955. Father was breadwinning and boozing. Mother was
homemaking and Easy-Off sniffing. Spot the
family dog brooded faithfully at brother Dick’s side, primed to rip off the
balls of any intruder. Government
subsidized Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans and GI Bill funded
college educations smoothed the pathway for Dick and Jane’s nuclear
bootstrapping. Black vets and black
families needn’t apply.
In her World War II era novel The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison begins almost every chapter with a bitter
homage to the manufacturing of Dick and Jane. The book opens with “Here is the
house. It is green and white. It has a red door. It is very pretty. Here is the family. Mother, Father, Dick, and Jane.” On the next page the words blur together, spidery
and damp, underscoring the brutal contrast between idyllic Americana and the
novel’s blistering story of incest, racial apartheid, misogyny, and psychic degradation
in the life of a black Midwestern family.
As metaphors for American innocence Dick and Jane
continue to taunt and terrorize. These are
the bodies that matter, that are worthy of protection, that demand the kind of
national security epitomized by America’s panting 24/7 tabloid obsession with
all the missing Caylees, Jaycees, Chandras, Elizabeths, and Natalees. This is the legacy of human value and worth
that so-called “white Hispanic” neighborhood watch “captain” George Zimmerman,
like scores of American children of all ethnicities, was steeped in when he
murdered Trayvon Martin in cold blood. It is the code that gives law
enforcement license to criminalize the lives of blacks while harboring white
killers. Some residents of the Sanford
gated community where Martin was killed allege that Zimmerman targeted black
men. Early on, his white father sought
to deflect charges of racism by trotting out his Latino heritage. Yet reference to his “biracial” status hardly
neutralizes claims that he subscribed to racist beliefs about black
people. In the U.S., Latino racial identification
has always been fluid, whereas the categorization of blacks has historically
been bound by the “one drop rule”, or the rule of hypodescent. Reviewing the results of the 2010 Census the
online publication Latino Decisions noted that, “the Latino population is responsible for much (74%) of (a)
6.5% increase in white population. This poses an interesting dilemma: Latino
population growth is driving the national movement toward majority-minority
status, but the rise in white identifying Latinos is also responsible for a
renewed growth of the U.S. white population.” Indeed, the Pew Hispanic Center’s
2004 report also noted that nearly half of
Latinos identified as white on the 2000 census.
So when the news of the shooting first broke, Zimmerman
was variously identified as white, white Hispanic (by law enforcement) and
Spanish-speaking. In the eyes of the
police, Zimmerman was able to occupy whiteness in a way that would
never be afforded a biracial person with identifiable African heritage. This kind of ambiguity—or what feminist
activist Diane Arellano has called “lesser white status”—is part of what legitimized
Zimmerman’s self-defense claim.
In his role as neighborhood watch captain, Zimmerman
was upholding the time-honored tradition of white homeowners’ associations that
protected white communities from dark interlopers. During the era of restrictive covenants, pioneering
1940s subdivisions like Long Island’s Levittown New York ensured that black
homebuyers were excluded through discriminatory clauses buttressed by the FHA, real
estate brokers, private lenders, and banks.
In Los Angeles, black homebuyers who overstepped these boundaries were
targeted, profiled, and often run out of their new homes by the local
blockbusting “welcome wagon.” These
exclusionary white affirmative action policies solidified white middle class
upward mobility. And their legacy can be felt in 21st century
America as residential segregation continues to trump income. According to Brown University’s 2011 “Separate
and Unequal” report, “affluent blacks have only marginally higher contact with
whites than poor blacks” and the overwhelming majority of all whites still live
in white communities (regardless of class background). Then as now, national security meant
protecting white homes and white property values. Open carry and stand your ground laws merely
reinforce this regime by giving white citizens carte blanche to police the “dangerous”
racial other. Fifty-seven years after
Emmett Till was lynched in the name of white womanhood, the murder of
Trayvon Martin—a beautiful son, friend, and prospective college
student—is yet another testament to the terror of white picket fence innocence.
Thang 103p · 191 weeks ago